Why?  Because we never have a second chance to make the first impression. We need to represent our business and brand in an effective manner that keeping people mind with a strong connection. Carefully planned logo, lets us feel our business’s elements visually and helps us recognize our business inside out. Therefore, we need the quality professional logo design, which announces that our business is legitimate, trustworthy and credible. Weak logo designs do not inspire people confidence, but the powerful logo design can create a strong sense of trustworthiness.
So what is a logo?  This seems like an easy question. A logo is a mark on the bottom of the classic television screen, the top of the cereal box, or the side of letterhead. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. The word "Logo" has multiple meanings, and to make the issue more complex. Hence, different logos are describing ways in which words are used. A logo is a graphic mark, or symbol commonly used by company, organization, object, publication, personal service, or idea. Consider on how correct or swoosh logo symbolize has become synonymous with the renowned shoe company Nike. Thus, logos not only convey our entire company’s image in a symbolic or graphical way but also create an everlasting impression in the mind of people, thus making our brand and business immediately recognizable.
In conclusion, what needs to be noted is the symbols have played a key role as we use visual images to create boost our memory and remember things. Therefore, creating the logo is the best way for us to address the ownership, origin, and identity. Ownership is showing who owns the logo and origin to let people know where was it made. Hence, providing the identity of the logo is very important for us to show differentiate from others, create focus internally, credibility, produce merchandising opportunities, etc. However, the logo creates a first impression of our brand, what matters the most is the quality of our product or service as people will consider our business based on that, not just how the beautiful our logo is. We have to stay focused on the real thing too in order to form a unique and cohesive message for our company, personal, object, or idea.